Author: Piano Magic

How the weather and humidity affects your piano
Maintaining your piano is crucial to keep it sounding beautiful and playing smoothly. However, the seasons can have a significant impact on the tuning and playability of your piano. In this blog post, we'll discuss the effects of humidity changes and how you can combat them. How humidity changes affect the mechanics of a piano The biggest change occurs in the middle section of the piano close to what piano tuners call the ‘centre break’. In an over strung pian...
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Tips for cleaning your piano
There are 3 types of Polish on pianos When considering cleaning your piano, it's important to note the type of polish it is finished with. Using incorrect products on surfaces can lead to severe damage. There are three kinds of polishes, high gloss, french polish and spirit lacquer. High gloss finish pianos Modern pianos with a high gloss finish have what is called a 2 pack finish. This is like a thick plastic finish. To clean hi gloss finishes like this you can use a clean moist shammy. This is good where there...
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How do I take my piano apart?
From time to time I have people calling me from regional areas with problems with their pianos. I am always able to help over the phone, and even via Face time! But sometimes it can be hard for people to visualise the parts of the piano. This blog aims to teach you how to pull your piano apart to do tests, as well as then put it back together safely. Names of piano parts The very top of the piano is the Top Lid The next front panel is called the Top Door Moving down, we have the Holl...
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How to protect your piano in the hot weather
No matter how old your piano is, dry weather is not good for it. Pianos are designed to have 35 to 50 % humidity. Heat is also not good but the low humidity will do more damage. Situation 1: You're going away for the holidays It's the holiday season, you're booked to go away and the air conditioning will be turned off while you're gone. You weren’t expecting so much hot weather and you're wondering how you can save your piano. For many years now I have been tuning pianos in dry country areas. My first and...
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How to fill the piano lifesaver system in your piano
Keeping your piano at the right humidity level is instrumental to maintain the tuning and playability of the piano. To keep your piano humidity in check, you should consider installing a Piano Life saver system for your piano. Related blog: How the humidity effects your piano This blog post will tell you how to refill this system when it runs out of water: How to tell when it needs to be refilled: There should be three lights on your piano. Green for power, yellow for water levels and red for pad moisture l...
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Is a cheaper tune a wise decision?
At Piano Magic, I had a customer ring in to book an annual tune. Our standard fee for tuning applied, plus this particular customer also wanted some new pads and a treatment for their Piano Life Saver System. The customer called us back and had got a quote to tune the piano at a cheaper cost. The questions begin for me, - Is the cheaper piano tuner as experienced - Will the piano sound as good after the tuning if they have less experience? - Will this piano tuner know how to service the Piano Life Saver...
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